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HT-1R simple lead work

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 1:11 pm
by MeAndMyCS6
Unlike most of the videos posted here, I am just a rookie (my brief intro over in the Introduce Yourself thread) and not nearly as talented as so many of you. However, I thought, what the heck, why not post anyway? At least someone can hear the amp! ;)

This first link shows some pentatonic jazz (make that simple pentatonic jazz!) tones out of the Blackstar HT-1R. I used the emulated line out direct into my computer, there is no post-processing, just the clean, sweet tones, as untouched as they could be. Well, as well as can be...ham-hands, mistakes and all.

Simple Pentatonic Jazz

My other vid is some bump and grind lead work. The audio for this was recorded directly into the camera's line in. Mistakes, etc., all included at no extra charge. ;)

Bump and Grind

Again, I'm just a rookie, but I enjoy playing, and life's too short. :D

Re: HT-1R simple lead work

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 4:15 pm
by Sonofarich
Thx for sharing. That looks like a Taylor in the background??

Re: HT-1R simple lead work

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 6:41 pm
by MeAndMyCS6
Oh good eye dude! Yep, that's my 314ce. She's a little jealous of the attention my Carvin and HT-1R have been getting lately. ;)

Thanks for checking out the vid!