ID: Core BEAM bluetooth problem

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Fri Dec 25, 2015 11:07 am

My new ID: core BEAM pairs perfectly with my Windows phone but won't pair with my Microsoft Surface tablet, running Windows 10. Each time I try I get an error message saying it can't find a driver. Is there anywhere I can find and download the correct driver?

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Mon Oct 10, 2016 3:36 pm

Has anyone been able to figure this out yet? I just purchased my BEAM amplifier and get the same results, no driver found, when trying to connect via Bluetooth. There are some suggestions here and there sprinkled throughout the forum and I have tried all I could find with no luck.

I'm using a almost new, Dell Inspiron with a i7 processor, 16gb Ram running Windows 10. I've not ever had any issues connecting via Bluetooth to anything other than this until now. The amplifier works fine via USB cable but gives me this error about no drivers found when I try to connect via Bluetooth. I have done everything I can find here in the forum and it still won't connect.

Could someone please help me. This was the reason I wanted to purchase this amp and it sounds so great, I just wish it would connect. Please, I'll try any ideas, even the ones already tried, if you have an idea please speak out. I'm not a programmer but I am very computer literate and usually even complex issues don't throw me but this has got me a bit down. I'll respond to every suggestion, thank you! Buddy

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Thu Dec 29, 2016 2:21 pm

Hey guys.

Running a BEAM with alienware 13r2, DELL stuff also.

The problem seems to be DELL drivers. Had an insane ammount of problems connecting it to a variety of bluetooth stuff. My card is a killer 1535 by the way. Downloaded the driver that did the trick in their page as DELL had very old drivers in their webpage.

What solved it for me were trying a LOT of drivers. Now it works fine, and I am not even updating the bluetooth driver, as it tends to make all my connected devices fall...

Hope it works out for you mate.

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Thu Dec 29, 2016 4:07 pm

Thanks for the message,

I've tried all the Dell Bluetooth drivers I can find on this and it still doesn't work. Is there a list of different Dell drivers out there?

Found the "Killer AC 1535 Bluetooth 4.1 Card" on Amazon. I need to check to see if it fits my laptop. Was it included in yours?

Thank you for you post, I'm still getting no where though... I can believe that BlackStar doesn't have some workaround. I've heard from numerous people who have just given up. If I can't get it to work pretty quick, I'm just going to sell it like everyone else...

I'm on the Dell site again and I'm updating everything once again, we will see what happens. This is the first time it's identified the bios needing to upgraded. Amazing since it's supposed to go from A06 to A09...

Still doesn't work. Still show be:be that looks like a small amp and be:be that looks like a headset. Damn...

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