Tubes Dilemma

Discussion - HT Venue amplifiers. Inspiration from Studio to Stage.
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Tue Nov 30, 2010 7:04 pm

Guys , i am about to order tubes and found EC883s and EC883! what is the difference, which one i should go for...Thanks :?:

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Sun Dec 05, 2010 5:24 am

KKND wrote:Guys , i am about to order tubes and found EC883s and EC883! what is the difference, which one i should go for...Thanks :?:
The "s" version is considered a little more "high performance". Break up a little earlier, a little more of a distortion. The difference is there, but it has the characteristics of the standard version. Personally, I like the standard. Seems a little smoother with my gear. But, for the price, worth giving a shot to see what you think.

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Sun Dec 05, 2010 6:09 am

Thanks buddy, I'm looking to kill the harshness out of my gear, what are you using by the way, thanks.

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Sun Dec 05, 2010 4:41 pm

I like JJs. From what I've read, they and GrooveTubes are pretty similar. I had GTs in a Carvin head and they sounded really nice. When changed them out to the JJs, didn't hear much difference at all, if any, so am a believer.

For some smoothness on the cleans, might give a lower gain pre tube, like a 12AY/12AU a try. Can be a good sound. In the Blackstars, I am using 12AXs but did put in, think it was, a 12AY and liked it.

With 12AX7s, NOS Mullards, or the like might be something to check out. For just pure tone they can be beautiful. Tubedepot and some other sites have good descriptions.

As a sidenote, with the gold pins. It's true they are a better conductor. But, something to look into, and I can't speak to this personally, just from what I've heard from some knowledgeable folk, is that the pins are coated in gold (Gold being too soft to be the pins themselves). This makes the pins a little larger and can widen the pinholes. Might cause a connection issue if you go back to "normal" pins.

Like I said, I haven't experienced this, so can't speak to it definitively but might want to research it before swapping.

Without knowing what you're running, as far as harshness, a speaker swap might be something to consider. I know Celestions are the norm for some, but I've always found them to be really harsh, barring the older, well worn vintages. Personally, I've always preferred Eminence or Fanes. That being said, I like some aspects to Celestions, so gave Warehouse Vet30s a try. Really liked them and ended up pairing one in my 2x12s with an Em Red, White Blue, which is a nice speaker, but a little more voiced for Bluesier/Southern Rock than I'd play. The Warehouse alone was good, and together, for me, they're perfect.

I also have a friend who uses the HT100 head. He wasn't sold until he took the back off his Avatar and ran it open back.

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Mon Dec 06, 2010 9:36 am

Just placed an order for 2 ECC83 and 1 ECC82 from JJ. Lets hope for the best. Image

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Thu Dec 16, 2010 8:33 am

I'm like the OP, I have no idea what all this stuff means, as the Stage 60 is my first full tube amp. What exactly is V1/2/3? Do those equate to the clean/OD1/OD2 channels? How many tubes does the Stage 60 have overall? Are EL34's the norm for "stock" tube amps like this one?

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Thu Dec 16, 2010 11:00 am

Hello there...I'm not the best person to advice as the stage 60 its my first amp has 5 tubes in total,3 pre amp tubes tubes and 2 power amp tubes.EL34 is the norm in british flavored amps while 6L6 for the american ones....think Marshall and Fender!

As for V1,2 and 3....confused my self!

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Thu Dec 16, 2010 11:11 am

I wonder if it has 3 pre-amp tubes because it's one tube for each channel to shape the sound, and 2 power-amp tubes because it's one tube for each speaker?

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Thu Dec 16, 2010 11:14 am

I don't think that's how power amps work, it has nothing to do with speakers, it is about power rating.....60 watts,2 power tubes,100 watt, 4 power tubes....

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Thu Dec 16, 2010 1:10 pm

It`s 60 watts push\pull, which means one tube pushes while the other one pulls.

I`m not sure how the pre-amp works though, I have a feeling it doesn`t cascade through the pre-amp tubes like more normal tube pre-amp circuits do.

I`m sure I read that V1 manages the clean and OD and V2 manages OD2, in the Stage 60\100 anyway. Could be completely wrong there though!

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