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Worth searching for HT60 Footswitch (FS-7)?

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 11:14 pm
by McScotch
I found an amazing deal on a used Stage 60, and so far the amp has been great. I've gigged, practiced, and recorded with it and I couldn't be happier. However, one of the reasons why the deal was so good is that it didn't have the footswitch. Blackstar's official site appears limited to European shipping, and every reputable US gear site is out of stock.

In addition, I've heard some grumbles about the footswitches, so I'm not really sure if it's worth it to go on a wild goose chase for one. I play noisy 90s indie-style rock, and stay pretty much exclusively on OD1, but a couple of songs could use an OD2 boost in sections. The question becomes: is the footswitch fast and smooth enough to switch channels during songs? If it isn't, or if there's scratchiness, I'll probably just work without one. Thanks!

Re: Worth searching for HT60 Footswitch (FS-7)?

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 11:13 pm
by thephantum
If it works anything like the rest of the Venue series amps, channel switching is clean and crisp. If all you are looking for a a solo boost though, you might be better off putting either a dirt box or an EQ in the effects loop...