HT5RH Can the emulated line out be run to a slave amp?

Discussion - HT-5 amplifiers.
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Thu Sep 15, 2011 11:59 pm

I was wondering if the ELO could be run to the input of a slave amp to boost power? Has anyone tried that?

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Fri Sep 16, 2011 2:30 am

I tried it. By this I think you mean, a lead running from the emulated line out to the effects return of say, a 50 watt head, with the head hooked up to a 4x12 for some serious volume.

It worked, but the volume control on the ht-5 was way too sensitive (like either off, or too much volume), and I have a feeling there is a slight mismatch in signal level. But then again, my amp head did not have a level selector in the fx loop and I didn't want to play with it too much for fear of damaging the fx return circuit on the amp. I think if you ran the emulated output into some kind of volume box or effects unit to trim the volume, it would become more manage able. Might also try splitting the output and hooking up a set of unused headphones - that might cut the level in half.

To put it in comparison, the emulated output is capable of driving headphones or even a 4x12 by itself to decent levels.

But you might not like the "emulated" effect - it's meant for flat PA speakers or recording, but maybe the 1x12 setting would sound good thru a real 4x12. Granted the 50 watt head I have has lousy reverb, so slaving using the emulated output makes much more sense than using the effects send and a blind cable in the blackstar effects return or emulated output.

So yea, it works, but possibly not very well. I would almost think you might be better off running the ht-5 directly into a 4x12, unless you needed super clean sounds or "heavy metal" / outdoor volume levels. Second option would be Ht-5 effects send, into a reverb pedal (if needed - my head has no noticeable reverb), then into your effects return on the slave amp. This is probably best.

sir riff a lot
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Fri Sep 16, 2011 7:17 am

You may find it would sound better going into a dedicated poweramp or into the effects loop of a head so it just drives the poweramp section of the amp.

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Sat Sep 17, 2011 12:18 am

Thanks for your help. What if the head I want to use to boost the power does not have an effects loop. Could I just run the ELO into the instrument input of the slave head, and run the speaker cab off the slave head?

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Sat Sep 17, 2011 1:30 am

maxx401 wrote:Thanks for your help. What if the head I want to use to boost the power does not have an effects loop. Could I just run the ELO into the instrument input of the slave head, and run the speaker cab off the slave head?
The problem with this is you end up coloring your tone by the preamp in the slave head. These days I think the input jacks of new amps should be able to handle a headphone level input fine. You can try it and see if you like it. Might actually work out pretty well if the amp's eq and speaker is relatively flat or can be adjusted to be flat.

If you are looking to purely boost power, using the effects send on the HT-5 instead of the EMO and drivings speakers on both amps might work better, and get a better balance of sounds.

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Sat Sep 17, 2011 1:57 am

Good point. I didn't consider the preamp in the slave head. I'll try it both ways and see what I get. Thanks again.

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Sun Feb 14, 2016 6:09 pm

sir riff a lot wrote:You may find it would sound better going into a dedicated poweramp or into the effects loop of a head so it just drives the poweramp section of the amp.
Hello folks,

This is getting confusing. Please tell me if I have this correct.

If I have an HT5-R and a power amp, If I wanted to slave the power amp, the proper way to slave would be:

-HT-5R fx send to power amp fx return?

Is that correct?

Also, what is "ELO?"

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Sun Feb 14, 2016 6:39 pm

This thread is almost 5 years old. You would have been better off opening a new one.

The traditional method of slaving one guitar amp to another is taking the FX Send from amp one and connecting it to the FX Return of amp two. That way you are bypassing the preamp of amp two and only using it's power amp.

What was meant by "ELO" was the the amps Emulated Out. The problem with using that is in it's is emulating the sound of a speaker cab. So you might not like the coloring it adds when feeding it to another power amp.

Are you trying to use another guitar amp as your slave or a straight up power amp? For the latter, the EO might just work better....

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