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ID series amp effects Loop

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 4:41 am
by tuneman55
I am down loading the update. how is the effects loop going to work? plug cable's into where :?

Re: ID series amp effects Loop

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 8:14 am
by PTF
The handbook is your friend...

"Switching on the Effects Loop transforms the Emulated Output and MP3/Line Input
sockets into ‘Preamp Out’ (for sending a signal to your external effects) and ‘Power
Amp In’ (for returning the effected signal to your amp)."

So, cable from the EO to your effects, then from effects back to the MP3/Line Input.

Re: ID series amp effects Loop

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 9:57 pm
by cadblaster
Anyone know if their's a CC midi command to toggle the loop on/off??? There was no update in the amp manual where the CC command #'s are listed.

I use rack and pedals in the loop, all midi controlled. Need a way to switch the loop on/off.

Re: ID series amp effects Loop

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 7:01 am
by Ghost
Can anyone tell me if the ID:30 will also get the upgrade to use the emulated out and line in as an effects loop? local distributor refuses to bring in anything above the 30s dispite me being willing to pay for a 60 :? But without an effects loop I'd rather get something else.

Re: ID series amp effects Loop

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 3:28 pm
by myk.robinson
The ID:30 has MP3/Line Input as well as Emulated Speaker Output, and all the amps have the same software/firmware available to them. That said, it should work the same way.

Re: ID series amp effects Loop

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 3:30 pm
by myk.robinson

After looking at the front face of the ID:30, the MP3/Line In and Emulated Output are on the front and are 1/8". You'd have to use some adapters, if it works that way at all. You may want to wait until someone who actually owns this model speaks up..

Sorry for any confusion.

Re: ID series amp effects Loop

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 5:52 pm
by dradd
For the record, I have done this on my ID:15 and it works a treat. I did need adaptors for the 6.35mm plugs into 3mm sockets, but it all hangs together well.

As an earlier poster said: effects pedal out into Line In, and EM out/headphones into effects pedal. 8-)

Re: ID series amp effects Loop

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 3:50 pm
by marcusreeve
cant seem to get it to work with my ID 15 did you connect the pedal...and did you have to select anything in the software.

'ive the mp3 into emulated...and the mp3 into power amp selected

...cant see any selection for effects loop....if theres meant to be one?

Re: ID series amp effects Loop

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 5:00 pm
by flimbo
Although that previous guy said that he managed it on his ID15, the Insider manual says:

2. Mono effects loop
(ID:60TVP, ID:60TVP-H, ID:260TVP and ID:100TVP only)
Switching on the Effects Loop transforms the Emulated Output and MP3/Line
Input sockets into 'Preamp Out' (for sending a signal to your external effects) and
'Power Amp In' (for returning the effected signal to your amplifier). This means that
in addition to using the studio quality effects within your amplifier, you can place your
own external effects and stop boxes 'in the loop' for the best sonic performance.
When the Effects Loop is activated, you may still use the USB audio interface as a
line In/out.

Re: ID series amp effects Loop

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 6:55 pm
by marcusreeve

so that would be a no then for the ID15