A decent metal guitar (old topic deleted)

General Discussion Forum - Voice The Sound In Your Head
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Tue Jun 29, 2010 4:17 pm

Okay, to summarise instead of re-writing the old, i wanted a metal guitar based around Metallica(other metal as well but Metallica is what i'll be playing most i guess) and was thinking of getting the ESP EC-1000 or ESP Eclipse II. I currently have an Epi Les Paul Custom with JB in the bridge and 59 in the neck, and a HT20. The pedals i have are; Dunlop Crybaby, Tc electronic polytune and a Digitech Badmonkey. Some of you suggested i tamper with the settings on the Badmonkey and HT20 to provide a better metal sound.. but since the topic got deleted i have only the faintest idea as to what they were. So again, im looking for help on what to do, whether to buy another guitar (i'd like one in general just for seperate tuning and what not, and to have different styles of guitars for different styles of playing) or to just buy some pedals and stuff. Hope to hear from you guys soon :)

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Thu Jul 01, 2010 11:22 am

Cant go wrong with ESP, best metal guitars in the world,
if they're good enough for Metallica, Slayer, COB, LoG
to name a few...enough said :twisted:

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Thu Jul 01, 2010 12:39 pm

the basic design may be 52 yrs. old, but the stock ceramic p'ups were made for metal.............


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Thu Jul 01, 2010 4:04 pm

I was thinking of getting a Gibson Explorer.. still, the ESP Eclipse's looks draw me in so much!

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Thu Jul 01, 2010 7:52 pm

An ESP Eclipse will not disapoint, still madly in love
with mine...3 years later! lol I swapped out the duncans
for emg 81/60 set, BRUTAL!

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Sat Jul 03, 2010 6:29 pm

Shredz wrote:An ESP Eclipse will not disapoint, still madly in love
with mine...3 years later! lol I swapped out the duncans
for emg 81/60 set, BRUTAL!
How come you didnt get it with EMG's anyway?

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Sat Jul 03, 2010 9:17 pm

Ettery wrote:
Shredz wrote:An ESP Eclipse will not disapoint, still madly in love
with mine...3 years later! lol I swapped out the duncans
for emg 81/60 set, BRUTAL!
How come you didnt get it with EMG's anyway?
I used to be in a covers band, we played everything from
Pink Floyd to Rage Against the Machine, so needed
something versatile, not in that band anymore cause
they wanted to go in a softer/lamer 3 chord songs type
direction and i wanted to play the brootalz, hence the emgs :twisted:

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Thu Jul 08, 2010 11:14 am

Hey there, well i remeber replying to this thread before i went to lunch the other day and came back to find forum completely changed :)
ESP (Incl. LTD) are great guitars for metal especially when EMG equipped, now i know people have bad things to say about EMGs but i own two ESP LTD (F-2005 81/81 and EX400BD 81/60). The main reason i started to play guitar was Metallica, hence the ESPs were my choice, and the EMG 60 cleans and lead tones combined with a brutality of the 81 rythem tones is unbelievable.
Now your amp is as important as your guitar, i tried the HT-20 combo with PRS torero and PRS SC and with EMGS it screamed heavy metal or at least Thrash metal. now your question about the guitar so i am not gonna talk about the amps or pedals. But give ESP/LTD with EMG a shot wont regret it believe me. Good luck and keep rocking

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Wed Mar 02, 2011 8:24 pm

I have a jackson slat-3 soloist

http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/reviews/ ... index.html

it is a wonderful guitar for me. the neck is just right for my hands and has emg 81/85. nice bright and defined sounding distortion with the alder body / maple neck. the wide nut and good spacing between strings really helps me with my fat rounded finger tips!

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Wed Mar 02, 2011 8:41 pm

+1 on the Torero..

Absolutely rips with my HT-20...really solid instrument. EMGs are pretty sterile for clean stuff and blues, but with the EL-34s saturated they really scream.

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