Is ht-40 real tube amp?

Discussion - HT Venue amplifiers. Inspiration from Studio to Stage.
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Tue Jul 26, 2011 9:01 am

Wise talk from a wise man. Welcome on board, we certainly do need experts such as your self Sir......Welcome again!

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Tue Jul 26, 2011 9:45 am

KKND wrote:Wise talk from a wise man. Welcome on board, we certainly do need experts such as your self Sir......Welcome again!
Thanks for the welcome, . . . : )
But I certainly have no claim at being an "expert". I'm a simple blues player, and cleanish / mild crunch is what I like for my particular sound. The HT 40 delivers what I want . . . and I really don't care how it does it . . . simply that it does. :) To my ears, it sounds like a tube amp. It 'feels' and 'responds' like a tube amp, and I'm happy that it's a tube amp that has got 'extras' : )



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Tue Jul 26, 2011 10:33 am

Glad your enjoying my old amp Grant :D

I miss it already....


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Tue Jul 26, 2011 3:02 pm


That's funny, I forgot I had one of those Musicman's back in the early 80's...I believe it was a 112RD 50 watt model. Wish I had the wisdom then to have held on to it. Traded it in at Guitar Center for a Marshall Valvestate combo (mistake). As a teenager I also had a mid-70s all tube Fender Princeton Reverb that would be worth a small fortune now.

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Tue Jul 26, 2011 3:33 pm

Troll is trolling

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Wed Jul 27, 2011 6:24 am

sizzlingbadger wrote:Glad your enjoying my old amp Grant :D

I miss it already....

Hi Nik, yeah it is a very sweet sounding amp. I'm really happy with it. What are you playing through now ? Another Blackstar I imagine, if you are on this forum ?

I'm trying to sell the other amp I had. A KLD 15/7.5 with two separate 12" speakers. I've got it on TradeMe. Its a sweet sounding amp, but is a Vox AC15 clone. I found that I really wanted a different sound, and I did want the Fender style clean, and the HT 40 delivers the sounds I want in spades.



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Wed Jul 27, 2011 6:32 am

auburnshredder wrote:Grant.R,

That's funny, I forgot I had one of those Musicman's back in the early 80's...I believe it was a 112RD 50 watt model. Wish I had the wisdom then to have held on to it. Traded it in at Guitar Center for a Marshall Valvestate combo (mistake). As a teenager I also had a mid-70s all tube Fender Princeton Reverb that would be worth a small fortune now.
Yeah those Musicman amps were really good. A friend of mine owned one, when I owned a cheap solid state amp, and I was always envious of him. It had really nice tone.
The old Princeton Reverb's were a great amp too. Fender did make some really great amps in those days. The 65 Twin Reverb is still one of my favourite sounding amps, and the Baseman . . .
If only I had the money . . . and the room . . . for a whole bunch of my favourite amps . . . . MMmmmm. As it is, I really can only fit one amp in now. I've still got a few guitars though . . . . : )

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Wed Jul 27, 2011 6:56 am

I had two biggish amps an Orange 2x12 Rockerverb 50 MKII Combo (a real tube amp :roll: ) and the HT-40. I sold the HT-40 and bought a Roland Micro-Cube for practicing in the evenings at low volumes, its great fun and not a tube in sight !

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Wed Jul 27, 2011 7:16 am

sizzlingbadger wrote:I had two biggish amps an Orange 2x12 Rockerverb 50 MKII Combo (a real tube amp :roll: ) and the HT-40. I sold the HT-40 and bought a Roland Micro-Cube for practicing in the evenings at low volumes, its great fun and not a tube in sight !
All the reviews I have ever read about Roland Cube amps have been really positive. I have never tried one, but will do sometime when I'm at my local Rockshop. Some purely solid state amps are very very nice. I think the snobbery over tube versus solid state, is just that - snobbery. If it sounds good to you . . . it's a good amp. Tone is such a subjective thing.
Many years ago, solid state amps just weren't great, I don't believe. That has now really changed. Technology has really moved on, and I would challenge some 'tube only' advocates, to do a blind test with some of the newer amps, to be able to reliably identify the tube amps from some of the solid state ones. I think a lot of the solid state amp manufacturers have got it pretty well sorted sound wise, and some have also got the response and feel pretty sorted as well.

Thanks again for the HT 40, Nik. It's a great amp, and that Celestion sounds beautiful !!!



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Wed Jul 27, 2011 4:35 pm

I have two Micro Cubes...the little single speaker and the four speaker model with build in drums. Both are battery oeprated and are GREAT for mobile practice, camping trips etc. The modeling is really quite good. Highly recommended...

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