Pedal setups

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Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:02 pm

that SPB-8C board is the bomb....i've looking at those for a while - think i'm going to upgrade 8)

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Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:28 pm

It's worth every single penny. When I was looking at getting a new board, I figured I may as well go all out and get the best I could find. The sheer number of pedals you can power off of it is great, and it's quiet too. Also very convenient to have an on/off switch that a lot of boards don't have. Just flip one switch and your pedals are good to go, without having to set them all up one by one every time you plug in.

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Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:52 pm

yea - i'm sold....Furman is the shizz - the features plus their power protection is a no brainer
gotta unload the boss board now - gotta say though the boss has served me well - never let me down

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Sat Apr 02, 2011 7:45 am

I'm using 2 variations of pedal set-up depending on whether I'm playing rockabilly or classic rock. The rock set-up is Vox Wah->Boss TU2->Keeley TS909DX then in the loop Carl Martin Red Repeat->Marshall Regenerator. For the rockabilly set-up I use a Fender Hot Rod Deluxe III (sorry guys) but I could use the Blackstar equally well. The pedal set-up is Nocturne Brain Seltzer (it's a pre-amp that mimics the original Roland Space Echo pre-amp)->Boss TU-2->Keeley TS->Red Repeat->Carl Martin Surf Trem. I don't use the loop as it seems to lose something tonally - which is odd.

I'm not too happy with either the power supply or the Vox Wah. I see several of you are using Morley Wah's. I saw a friend play with two on Sunday (he has the funds for his GAS addiction) and they sounded great tonally. Without wishing to hijack this thread, please could you pass on to me your views on the Morley pedal and does anyone knows if Furman supply pedalboards for the UK market?


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Sat Apr 02, 2011 7:55 am

This is TOO much.....


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Sat Apr 02, 2011 12:39 pm

ogri - i dont believe furman has distribution in the UK unless i missed it somewhere but hey do have several online dealers

Morely Pedals - dont care for them (lots of folks use them though) doesnt have the vintage wah tones i'm looking for to play classic rock - sounds way to modern to me - way to big also (hogs up my stage space) and i hate that side switch crap!! - dont know much about all those signature pedals they have

i'll keep my crybaby (i might use a wah 3 times during the course of nights show - so i'm not huge user anyway)

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Sat Apr 02, 2011 1:24 pm

You're right Mr MM, I just checked with Furman's UK distributor and he says that all of the UK's Health & Safety regulations and lack of UK sales stopped Furman from producing boards in 230volts. Shame, they look great. My local music store stock Morley and they pretty much said word for word what you said about their pedals. Their tpo choice of the signature range is the Tremonti. I have the Wah outside of the pedalboard that I currently use and connect with a daisy-chain extension lead to the PSU, so pedalboard real estate isn't so much of an issue for me, although this is a small country compared to the US and some of our stages reflect that.

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Sat Apr 02, 2011 1:35 pm

OGRI wrote:I'm using 2 variations of pedal set-up depending on whether I'm playing rockabilly or classic rock. The rock set-up is Vox Wah->Boss TU2->Keeley TS909DX then in the loop Carl Martin Red Repeat->Marshall Regenerator. For the rockabilly set-up I use a Fender Hot Rod Deluxe III (sorry guys) but I could use the Blackstar equally well. The pedal set-up is Nocturne Brain Seltzer (it's a pre-amp that mimics the original Roland Space Echo pre-amp)->Boss TU-2->Keeley TS->Red Repeat->Carl Martin Surf Trem. I don't use the loop as it seems to lose something tonally - which is odd.

I'm not too happy with either the power supply or the Vox Wah. I see several of you are using Morley Wah's. I saw a friend play with two on Sunday (he has the funds for his GAS addiction) and they sounded great tonally. Without wishing to hijack this thread, please could you pass on to me your views on the Morley pedal and does anyone knows if Furman supply pedalboards for the UK market?

I like the Morley Dragon 2 (it's George Lynch's sig wah), but the range is a bit limited. On the plus side though, it has a "Loudness" boost, an optical switch (no more having to click the wah down, it's on as soon as your foot hits it), and the ability to lock in a spot in the wah freq range and just keep it there. So you could find a sweet spot, lock it in, and just turn it on to that one spot during a solo to color your tone with it. Pretty neat. I just got a Crybaby 95Q which is also optical, and has a volume and EQ on it, but no lock, but I think I like the tonal characteristics of it better, and it seems to have a wider range. I'm going to compare the two this weekend.

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Sat Apr 02, 2011 1:36 pm

KKND wrote:This is TOO much.....

With the pedals I listed, mine's full already! LOL

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Sun Apr 03, 2011 7:53 am


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